1.14.2 👽 Sunday Links... Finding Aliens, New Ways to Count, AI Writing Tools, Listening in on Whales
My favorite theory about the lack of aliens is called the Dark Forest. In a dangerous unknown universe there'
1.13.2 🦕 Sunday Links... Neanderthals x 2, Bad Dreams, Fuel Cell Trains, Fast Battery Charging
Were the Flintstones Neanderthals? Apparently in the first issue of the Flintstones comic book, Mr. Slate gets Fred to hire
1.12.2 🪐 Sunday Links... Fluffy Planets, Personal Pills, Mind Reading AI, Counting Calories
Scientists discovering a massive planet as light and fluffy as cotton candy sounds intriguing. Perhaps aliens have a stash of
1.11.2 ♻️ Sunday Links... AI for Earth, Create AI Assistants, Recycling Orange Peels, Turning Down Noise
Unintended consequences are a thing, especially with STEM/STEAM. You can't predict everything that will happen if push
1.10.2 🐈 Sunday Links... Coughing Trees, NASA Cat Video, Ancient Dinner, Explaining AI and Deep Fakes
This Sunday our links feature a cat named Taters whose high definition video of them chasing a laser pointer was