1.1.2 Sunday Links...Babies teach AI, Peanut batteries, Plagues, and more...
Seven links for a Sunday morning, articles that are sometimes odd but hopefully interesting and informative. They’re about people discovering neat things with technology and about technology.
This baby with a head camera helped teach an AI how kids learn language | MIT Technology Review
Scientists develop new method for producing lithium-ion batteries using peanut shells: ‘Efforts have been made to find cheap raw materials’
Jupiter's moon Europa generates enough oxygen to keep 1 million humans breathing for a day
Scientists made a 'digital twin' of Earth to simulate possible natural disasters
Plagues From Centuries Ago May Have Altered Earth's Atmosphere
Bluesky and Mastodon users are having a fight that could shape the next generation of social media | TechCrunch
In the Shadow of Silicon Valley
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