About 30 STEM Links
30 STEAM Links is an independent publication launched in April 2024 by Tim Slavin. That would be me. For almost 11 years I published an award-winning kids computing magazine in print and online. Now it's an email newsletter.
If you subscribe today, paid or free, you'll get full access to this website. Plus weekly email newsletters with new content. Paid subscriptions and contributions help make this site possible. Plus it gets you good karma. It also allows 30 STEM Links to continue to exist. Thank you!
Get STEM/STEAM content by email
30 STEM Links is two email newsletters a week with deeply researched and curated links. The links in each email provide useful STEM/STEAM content. My goal is to help parents, teachers, librarians, and kids to:
- Create new STEM curriculum
- Try STEM projects with the kids and adults in their life
- Inspire and amuse kids with interviews and profiles and neat science
- Find tools and resources for the classroom and learning at home
- Learn how to be safe online and be good digital citizens
Emails arrive Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings, both NY time.
- The Wednesday email is newsy with projects, profiles, history, resources, and lots more. Projects are kid friendly. Stuff like geocaching, creating zines, Instructables, labyrinths, electronics, and knitting. Subscribe and have fun with a few projects.
- The Sunday email is 7 often quirky links to STEM/STEAM content. Stuff like babies teaching AIs, a rabbit on the moon, runaway donkeys living their best life, and fluffy planets. And burning questions like, were the Flintstones Neanderthals? And when did humans start wearing clothes?
Oh, and there's Dad jokes because I'm a dad. Sorry not sorry. :-)
Why email?
Finding technical information online is hit or miss. The amount of information available is amazing. It can outstrip our ability to identify accurate content. And AI search results may not be complete, or accurate. Humans need context.
Email makes it easy for you to learn: open your emails, read, then click whatever interests you. It's much less work than doing the research yourself, hacking your way through websites.
Is this a ghost town?
Our readers open emails at a 36-44% rate and 12-16% click links. (My Emma, an email delivery service, says normal is a 15-25% open rate and 2.5% click links.) Since launching in April 2024, I'm in stealth mode tweaking editorial stuff. And gathering courage to interview fun STEM people this fall. There's about 1300 subscribers to this newsletter, most of them former print magazine subscribers. They're parents, kids, teachers, and librarians interested in kids and STEM/STEAM.
And who are you?
I’m a long time technical writer, website producer, and programmer. I’ve spent three decades writing in software development shops. I got intrigued by rubber ducks on developer desks, pair programming, and dogfooding. That led to publishing a kids computing magazine online and in print for almost 11 years.
Many years ago I also created a few websites to research and curate useful information. 30 STEM Links is a natural evolution. It mixes my kids computing magazine motivations with my interest in the fun side of STEM and STEAM.
Feel free to poke around this website and read a few emails. If it interests you, then please subscribe and join us. And consider helping out: share our emails with family and friends and contribute if you can. I'd also like to hear how 30 STEM Links can help you and the kids in your life.
Thank you for reading and visiting today!
Tim Slavin
Publisher, Editor, Dad